Saturday, April 28, 2012


I embarked on a new adventure...I went out of my comfort zone and applied and interviewed for a new job...I am hoping to be hired by Hospice. I know that this will be a hard position but it will also be rewarding... I need something to put that spark back into what I love to do. I know I am good nurse but I want to do more. I know that with a position like this I can find that. It is also a wise choice for our family. I will allow me to get my child to school and either myself or Hubby can pick her up and this way she does not have to spend forever in latch key. We will also be able to have a more structured home life with a set schedule. Which will hopefully allow me to get back to exercising and eating correctly. So we will see....

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Beginnings....

So it is now Jan. 2 and the first Monday of the year. I believe I will start this blog again... need to find a me moment in my day...or else I will lose that me. I have a book about Mondays and I will start to share that as well as my adventures in life LOL Well the name of my Blog after all is Luna's Blumen and blumen are flowers so I will let this be my blossoming :) as Goddess Leonie always says.." Ride your Wild Donkey!!!" so hold on for the ride....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beautiful Blogger...well maybe its the goal :)

Thank you so much Rosena
I am honored...and dont quite know what to say...I guess it is my goal to become more with this then just the shell of me.


1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

So 7 things about me....

1) I was married before, some people know this, some do lasted a brief moment in time...but that road is what lead me to the path I am on now.
So in the end I am grateful.
2) I do love classical music. Not a strange thing really, because I like all kinds of music. Though it allows me an outlet I don't have with other types of genres. makes me think.
3) I have tattoos, yes I know most people who know me know this, but some don't lol. All my tattoos have a reason for them and they are all in places that can be hidden.
4) I love my coffee at 110 degrees (instantly consummable) and my Tea hot as hell... I know I am weird.
5) Speaking of Coffee...I am for the most part a coffee snob..or so the Hubby tell me... I like my flavored coffee what can I say....
6) I am not really a girlie girl...I dont know how to fix my hair with rollers or really how to apply foundation...I can do basic makeup though that is for the most time never LOL
7) I am very flexible...which most people would not think seeing as I am a bigger girl...lots of curves to move around here...

Here I am passing this awards on: And yes I know its only 9....

1) Jess @ I just want to make my intentions clear Because its new and fresh
2) Dawn @ Domestic Witch Because she is what i strive to be.
3) Raven @ A day in the life of a Domestic Enchantress Because we all need a bit of Hoodoo and Black Magic in our lives ;)
4) Melanie @ The Old White Cottage
5) Willow @ Life at Willow Manor Because i like the way she reports on the ongoings in the manor :)
6) Mrs. Q @ Fed up with Lunch: The School Lunch Project Because they are letting us into a world we has parents and outsiders don't always get to see....Scary stuff I am telling you.
7) Dani @ Magickal Mommy She really does give a nice spin on being Pagan, Mommy and Woman :)
8) Cairelle @ Magickal Musings Because I just found this today and it looks amazing :)
9) Tara @ Misadventures of Tara She is part of what inspired me to become a Blogger :)

As I am fairly new at this...I have not amassed the huge Blog reading list yet LOL and of Course I give big Kudos to Rosena...though did not Tag her seeing as she started this adventure for me :) lol

Friday, March 19, 2010

Road Trip...sorta...

Today's act was to take a quick out of the way road trip to bring My Amanda (or Man as I call her) some things she left at my place...she had been at my house earlier in the day and left her big carpet bag and cleanse drink at my house. I was not actually going towards where she was when I was out running my errand today but made the trip out to her anyway because she needed her stuff. It was a small act but one that was much appreciated, as it saved her a trip back to me.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

MeMe treats...

(this pic is from Joe's last nite but its the only one I have of them eating)

So today's act of random kindness was to pick up my sister in law from where she is doing her externship for Medical Assistant and take her to lunch and hang out with her for a bit. She works so hard and I hope that when school is done she will be able to get a job as an MA :) She so deserves it. So TK and I grabbed her and then after lunch we went to Petco and Kohl's and just meandered around till it was time for MeMe to go back to the Dr's office.

No chores for you mister....NOW read....

MArch 17th~ Let the Hubby enjoy the evening with nothing to do...I took care of the evening house chores. You know the bathing the Munchkin and getting her ready for bed, the straightening up the kitchen and living room, those small things that are just time consumers. This way he got to read the Munchkin her story and do the nitely ritual of brusha brusha :) It allowed him a small bit of downtime to himself....